This is a collection of some personal projects I’ve have worked on and some projects code borrowed form some opensource

I’m also looking for a job, so consider my resumae resume here ,if you’d like to Hire me .

Basic tutorial projects

Everything starts form some basics here i started my selflearning path from basic tutorials

Fashion MNIST

Breast cancer prediction

credit card fraud detection


  • yolo object detection This project code is borrowed form darkflow and darknet and tried on different dataset …if u like this project fork me here

Amazon fine food reviews solution

  • fine food review This project i just go through kaggle competitions and worked on it and i get some code from github also

Project Tutorials

  • Projecct Tutorials This projects are from tutorials that i have learn online and done some experiments form own dataset it conatains my code quality in
  1. Tensorflow

  2. pytorch

  3. keras

Churn Prediction

Churn prediction

This project conatians the customer churn prediction from a company and the datatset i get it from kaggle

Kaggle Competitions

Amazon Image similarity

Quora question similarity

Personaloized cancer diagnostics

Human Actvity Recognition

Netflix Movie Recommendation


Udemy certifications

Machine Leaarning A-Z kaggle Mster